• Mahdianta Pandia Sistem Informasi, STMIK Kristen Neumann Indonesia, Jl. Jamin Ginting KM 10,5 Medan
  • Berti Sari Br Sembiring Sistem Informasi, STMIK Kristen Neumann Indonesia, Jl. Jamin Ginting KM 10,5 Medan
  • Friendly Friendly Teknik Komputer, Polteknik Negeri Medan, Jl. Almamater No.1, Medan
  • Zakaria Sembiring Teknik Komputer, Polteknik Negeri Medan, Jl. Almamater No.1, Medan
Keywords: AHP, SAW, Employee Position Mutations


Employees are important assets for every company, because they greatly influence many aspects of determining the success of the company's work. A company will be able to carry out all its business processes properly if all its employees can be well organized by the HR (Human Resources) section. Placement and utilization of resources in the right position is absolutely necessary. From the results of the study it can be concluded, among others: The application of a decision support system that is built can provide convenience and minimize errors that may occur in the process of determining employee positions. criteria for determining employee positions. The level of accuracy of the test results is 100%.


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How to Cite
Pandia, M., Berti Sari Br Sembiring, Friendly, F., & Zakaria Sembiring. (2022). EMPLOYEE POSITION MUTATIONS DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM WITH AHP AND SAW METHODS. INFOKUM, 10(02), 764-768. Retrieved from http://infor.seaninstitute.org/index.php/infokum/article/view/410