• Imam Chairudin Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta
  • Izzatusholekha Izzatusholekha Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta
Keywords: Complaint Handling, SIARA N Application


The term Smart City is very popular among regional officials who are promoting sustainable development in areas managed by each regional head . One of them is the City of South Tangerang, which started this with a mobile application for public complaints inspired by the characteristics of a Smart City, namely Smart Mobility and Smart Living. Smart Mobility was appointed because people now live in the digital era, where they struggle with cellphones every day to access anything. Meanwhile, Smart Living, one of the characteristics of a Smart City, wants life to run safely and internally from any problems around it. The SIARAN mobile application carries these two issues so that every incident can be reported directly through the application. The SIARAN mobile application was deliberately created by the South Tangerang City Government to be able to analyze the management of government roads in South Tangerang City more effectively and efficiently in the hands of the community through a mobile application. Supporting concepts and theories in this research are communication, development communication, public relations in the digital era, public relations communication models, government public relations, publications, outreach, Smart City, and digital applications. The purpose of this research is to find out how to implement the "SIARAN" mobile application complaint handling at Diskominfo Kota Tangerang Selatan and also what are the obstacles in the application. The theory used for the analysis of this study uses the theory of George C. Edwards III with four variables in public policy, namely communication, resources, attitudes and bureaucratic structure. The method in this study uses a descriptive qualitative method with a case study research type. The results of this study are that the way to handle complaints in the SIARAN application is not fast response and the flow is too long. In addition, problems that occur in the SIARAN application are integration problems with the SP4N LAPOR application so that the South Tangerang City Diskominfo opens the widest possible reporting in various applications and media such as SP4N LAPOR , in Tangsel broadcasts and via media (print media, online media and other electronic media).


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How to Cite
Chairudin , I., & Izzatusholekha, I. (2023). EFFECTIVENESS OF COMPLAINT HANDLING MOBILE APP BASED IN THE COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT OF TANGERANG SELATAN CITY. INFOKUM, 11(02), 68-80. Retrieved from https://infor.seaninstitute.org/index.php/infokum/article/view/1381