Linear Regression Analysis To Predict The Length Of Thesis Completion

  • Fristi Riandari STMIK Pelita Nusantara
  • Hengki Tamando Sihotang STMIK Pelita Nusantara
Keywords: big data, prediction, simple linear regression.


Students who carry out knowledge in the undergraduate program will certainly be faced with the preparation of a thesis at the end of their study period. However, every year students still find it takes longer than the time specified in completing their thesis. This is caused by several things, such as students who are working, working hours that do not support the implementation of thesis preparation, students who already have families and other factors. This of course makes universities have to prepare special strategies in order to reduce the number of students who cannot complete their thesis on time in the future, one of which is with a decision support. This can be done by utilizing university big data. Prediction of the length of time for completion of college student thesis can be done by utilizing data mining and a simple linear regression approach. Using 1 independent variable, namely the average inhibiting factor (Working Status, Working Hours, Work Sip, Guidance Media, Status) (X1) and the number of days of thesis completion being the dependent variable (Y). After looking for the regression value of b and constant a, then the simple linear regression equation model is: Y = 280.450 + 1.650 X.


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How to Cite
Riandari, F., & Tamando Sihotang , H. (2021). Linear Regression Analysis To Predict The Length Of Thesis Completion. INFOKUM, 9(2, June), 527-534. Retrieved from