• herayati herayati Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika, Tangerang
Keywords: Pemimpin, Kepala Sekolah, Kinerja Guru


This study aims to describe the role of the principal as a leader in improving teacher
performance. The principal is the highest position in the school organization. The
principal acts as a school leader and in the school organizational structure his
position is at the top. The principal as a leader must be able to provide guidance and
supervision, improve the ability of educators, open two-way communication, and
delegate tasks. Thus the principal plays a very important role in improving teacher
performance. Teacher performance is the result of teacher work that can be achieved
by a teacher in educational institutions in accordance with their duties and
responsibilities. In the learning process the teacher is seen as having an important
role, especially in helping students to develop their potential in cognitive, affective
and psychomotor abilities, the teacher also seeks to arouse curiosity, encourage
independence and accuracy of intellectual logic, and create conditions for success in
learning This value is included in the "Good" category because it is in the 68% -
84% interval range. Thus the performance of teachers at the Tangerang Junior High
School for the 2020/2021 school year can be said to be with a good interpretation.
There is a significant influence between the principal's leadership on the
performance of Tangerang Junior High School teachers in the 2020/2021 academic
year. This is evidenced by the results of the F test where, the value of F = 26.605 >
4.451 (value Ftable, F(0.05;1.17) = 4.451) and sig = 0.000 < 5% this means Ho is
rejected, Ha is accepted, meaning the independent variable leadership the principal
has a significant effect on the dependent variable of teacher performance. So in other
words, the independent variable of the principal's leadership is able to explain the
magnitude of the dependent variable of teacher performance. From the results of this
study, it is expected that school principals continuously foster and evaluate the
implementation of teacher duties in order to achieve the goals that have been set
optimally. Principals and teachers should also maintain a comfortable and safe
school climate in order to create a conducive learning atmosphere


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How to Cite
herayati, herayati. (2022). THE ROLE OF THE PRINCIPAL AS A LEADER IN IMPROVING TEACHER PERFORMANCE. Jurnal Scientia, 11(01), 220-227. Retrieved from